
Gravelamps Logging

Functions within control the use and generation of the gravelogger—implementation of the logging module in use within gravelamps.



Generates/modifies the gravelogger used throughout Gravelamps functions


Importing the module generates a blank, default gravelogger which is then modified whenever setup_logger is called. By default, this will not add text logging to avoid spam of grave.log output files.

Written by Mick Wright 2022


setup_logger([outdir, log_level, args])

Generates/modifies the gravelogger used throughout Gravelamps functions

Module Contents

gravelamps.core.gravelog.setup_logger(outdir=None, log_level='INFO', args=None)

Generates/modifies the gravelogger used throughout Gravelamps functions

By default, the logger will simply output to the interpreter. If an output directory is specified, the logger will also save output to grave.log within that directory. Logging levels may be specified.

outdirstr, optional

Path in which to generate a grave.log output saving the messages logged

log_level: str, optional, default=’INFO’

Level of logging, can be INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG

argsargparse.Namespace, optional

Object containing commandline arguments to program