Lensed Parameter Estimation


This program is applicable to single image analyses only. This includes both the microlensing and millilensing cases but not the Strong Lensing case.

One of the major purposes of Gravelamps is to be a framework for lens model selection of the implemented models. One of the primary ways of doing this is to perform parameter estimation of arbitray lensed gravitational wave signals. It does this by integrating with the parameter estimation framework bilby to gain access to its wide array of gravitational wave signal waveforms and nested samplers.

The program which performs a parameter estimation run using the Gravelamps framework is gravelamps_inference and may typically be run as follows:

$ gravelamps_inference -o --option /path/to/ini-file.ini

with a list of the possible options and an example INI configuration with explanation given below. Note that the parameter estimation program is fully complete, meaning that it is capable of running gravelamps_generate_lens by itself to simplify the processs of running for users.

Inference Options

-h, --help

Shows the help message and exits

-i, --injection

Run contains an injection and so injection settings should be considered as well

-l, --local

Run should be performed locally rather than built for the HTCondor scheduler

-s, --submit

Run should be directly submitted to the HTCondor scheduler upon being built

-v, --verbose

Display the maximal level of information from the logger, overriding the INI settings

Example Inference

The following example will perform parameter estimation for GW150914-like gravitational wave signal that has been lensed by an isolated point mass of 1000 solar masses at a dimensionless source position of 0.3 that has been placed half-way between the source and the observer.

To run the example, copy the example configuration below to a file called example.ini and the example prior configuration to a file called example.prior and run the inference program as follows:

$ gravelamps_inference example.ini

This will generate a folder called inference-example which will contain all of the submission and result data. To submit the run to the HTCondor scheduler so as to perform all of the necessary analysis, run:

$ condor_submit_dag inference-example/submit/gravelamps_inference.dag

Once complete, the results will be contained within the folders. Any generated amplification factor data will be stored in the inference-example/data folder and the final results of the inference investigation will be stored in inference-example/final_result with the component chain results in inference-example/result as they would be with any bilby run.

Example INI

# Sets the output directory to 'inference-example'
outdir = inference-example
# Sets the label bilby gives to the run to lensed-ex
label = lensed-ex
# Sets default logging level
logging_level = INFO

# Run should be built for the HTCondor scheduler
local = False
# Run should not be submitted immediately upon being built
submit = False
# Run contains an injected signal
injection = True

# Run requests 16 cores from the scheduler
request_cpus = 16
# Run requests 12 GB of RAM from the scheduler
request_memory = 12 GB
# Run requests 5 GB of storage space from the scheduler
request_disk = 5 GB
# Accounting tag for the scheduler, this is suitable for use on the LDG clusters
accounting_group = ligo.dev.o4.cbc.lensing.multi

# These settings apply to the analysis waveform which will be a point mass microlensing waveform
# Set the lensing module to interpolator to use the wave optics calculations
lensing_module = gravelamps.lensing.interpolator
# Setting the lens model to the isolated point mass case
interpolator_model = point

# Dimensionless frequency grid settings
minimum_dimensionless_frequency = 0.01
maximum_dimensionless_frequency = 2000
length_dimensionless_frequency = 100000

# Source position grid settings
minimum_dimensionless_frequency = 0.1
maximum_source_position = 3.0
length_source_position = 30

# Arithmetic precision to use for wave optics calculations
arithmetic_precision = 2048
# Dimensionless frequency at which to switch to geometric optics
geometric_optics_frequency = 1000

# These settings apply to the injection waveform whcih will be a point mass microlensing waveform
# For this example these will be the same as the analysis settings, but can in principle be different

lensing_module = gravelamps.lensing.interpolator
interpolator_model = point

minimum_dimensionless_frequency = 0.01
maximum_dimensionless_frequency = 2000
length_dimensionless_frequency = 100000

minimum_source_position = 0.1
maximum_source_position = 3.0
length_source_position = 30

arithmetic_precision = 2048
geometric_optics_frequency = 1000

# Detectors which will be investigated for the signal
detectors = H1, L1, V1
# Duration of the signal in seconds
duration = 4.0
# Sampling frequency
sampling_frequency = 1024
# Trigger time for the GW event in GPS seconds
trigger_time = 1125259642.413
# Nested sampler to use
sampler = dynesty
# Location of the prior file, included below
prior-file = example.prior
# Waveform generator to use for the run
waveform-generator = gravelamps.lensing.waveform_generator.LensedWaveformGenerator
# Arguments to be passed to the sampler
sampler-kwargs = {'nlive':1000, 'naccept':60, 'check_point_plot':True, 'check_point_delta_t':1800, 'print_method':'interval-60', 'sample':'acceptance-walk'}

# NR-approximant to use
waveform_approximant = IMRPhenomXPHM
# Reference Frequency
reference_frequency = 20
# Waveform minimum frequency
minimum_frequency = 20
# Waveform maximum frequency
maximum_frequency = 1024

# Setting that one waveform should be injected
n-simulation = 1
# Allowing the waveform to enter parts of parameter space that would typically result in durations of signal longer than specified
enforce-signal-duration = False
# Noise seed into which the injection will be sent. Allows for reproducibility
generation-seed = 1234
# Number of parallel analysis chains to set off
n-parallel = 2

# True parameter values for the injection signal
# Binary black hole source parameters
mass_1 = 36.0
mass_2 = 29.0
a_1 = 0.4
a_2 = 0.3
tilt_1 = 0.5
tilt_2 = 1.0
phi_12 = 1.7
phi_jl = 0.3
luminosity_distance = 410
theta_jn = 0.4
phase = 1.3
ra = 1.375
dec = 1.12108
psi = 2.659
geocent_time = 1125259642.413
# Source frame mass of the lensing object in solar masses
lens_mass = 1000
# Dimensionless displacement from the optical axis
source_position = 0.3
# Fraction of the luminosity distance to place the lens at
lens_fractional_distance = 0.5

Example Prior

chirp_mass = Uniform(name='chirp_mass', minimum=22, maximum=80, unit='$M_{\odot}$')
mass_ratio = Uniform(name='mass_ratio', minimum=0.125, maximum=1)
mass_1 = Constraint(name='mass_1', minimum=1.001398, maximum=1000)
mass_2 = Constraint(name='mass_2', minimum=1.001398, maximum=1000)
a_1 = Uniform(name='a_1', minimum=0, maximum=0.88)
a_2 = Uniform(name='a_2', minimum=0, maximum=0.88)
tilt_1 = Sine(name='tilt_1')
tilt_2 = Sine(name='tilt_2')
phi_12 = Uniform(name='phi_12', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
phi_jl = Uniform(name='phi_jl', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
luminosity_distance = PowerLaw(name='luminosity_distance', minimum=1e2, maximum=15000, alpha=2, unit='Mpc')
dec = Cosine(name='dec')
ra = Uniform(name='ra', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
theta_jn = Sine(name='theta_jn')
psi = Uniform(name='psi', minimum=0, maximum=np.pi, boundary='periodic')
phase = Uniform(name='phase', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
geocent_time = Uniform(minimum=1126259642.413-2, maximum=1126259642.413+2)
source_position = PowerLaw(alpha=1, minimum=0.1, maximum=3.0, latex_label='$y$')
lens_mass = Uniform(minimum=1, maximum=10000, latex_label='$M_{Lens}$', unit='$M_{\odot}$')
lens_fractional_distance = 0.5